Academic Forms
(parent keeps this log for your records) ECS Curriculum Log (return to ECS Office by September 1 of current school year) ECS REPORT CARD K-8 (return to ECS Office by January 15 and June 15 of current school year) ECS REPORT CARD High School 9-12 (return to ECS Office by January 15 and June 15 of current school year) ECS Transcript, Records Distribution, or Withdrawal Request (submit to ECS Office 7-10 days in advance of institution's need for transcript) |
Athletic Forms
Required Participation Forms
All forms listed below are required to be completed before participation in any ECS Team Sport &/or Athletic Program. Please make copies of these forms, for your records, before turning in to your coach. 2020 Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement (Adult) (return to ECS Office upon email notification of receipt of Enrollment and/or Re-Enrollment Form) 2020 Release of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement (Minor – Under 19 Years of Age) (return to ECS Office upon email notification of receipt of Enrollment and/or Re-Enrollment Form) ACSC CONCUSSION POLICY ACSC LIABILITY WAIVER FORM AHSAA PRE-PARTICIPATION PHYSICAL EVALUATION FORM (Valid for one year) ECS MEDICAL RELEASE FORM ECS Student/Athlete Information and Contract Form RELEASE AND INDEMNITY (Individual) Additional Athletic Forms
ECS FOOTBALL PROGRAM ADS FORM ECS COACHES PURCHASE ORDER FORM NACA HEALTH FORM (required of anyone attending the NACA Tournament) ECS ATHLETIC SEASON EVALUATION FORM (please complete within 2 weeks of season conclusion) For use by ECS Head Coaches:
Financial Forms
ECS ACH Authorization Form
(required to establish payment plan) ECS AD_FUNDRAISER INCOME CREDIT FORM (To be submitted by any player requesting credit towards their Athletic Participation Fee for ads sold or fundraiser income earned) ECS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST (To be submitted by individual requesting reimbursement from ECS for personal expenses incurred toward ECS sport or other activity) |
Other Forms
School Leadership Forms
The following two forms must be completed by all coaches, instructors, and group leaders and submitted to the school office. |
Driver’s Permit
Request for DRIVER PERMIT PROOF OF ENROLLMENT FORM ** New Driver Instructions & Suggestions★Students are eligible to obtain a driver’s permit at age 15. ★Call your local driver’s license bureau for a list of requirements. ★Request the Proof of Enrollment form mentioned above at least one week before needed ★All report cards and curriculum logs must be on file at the school office, and your account with ECS must be in good standing before a completed proof of enrollment is mailed. ★Form Expiration / Validity Dates: