Course Description: Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that Democracy is not just a form of government but an all-encompassing way of life. Forms of governments are encompassing but in very different ways- they affect the way we order our social and economic life as well as the habits of mind. The question is how do they shape our habits of life? It is essential that we know and understand the US Constitution and our Republic form of government as set up by the Founding Fathers. What are our “first freedoms” and how are they protected and preserved? What we must know, as citizens and Christians, is how and why we have the government we have. In addition, students will learn the principles of economics through creative projects that teach economic systems, trade, supply and demand etc.
Class will count as a ½ credit in Government, and ½ credit in Economics, or full year history credit, or as an elective. Many colleges require Government and Economics as part of High School transcripts.
Time: Tuesday, 11-12:30
Instructor: Kathy Houser. Mrs. Houser holds a Master of Fine Arts Degree, and has more than 35 years of teaching experience at both the high school and collegiate level.
Email Mrs. Houser or call her at (205) 218-4937 with questions and to enroll.
Course Description: Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that Democracy is not just a form of government but an all-encompassing way of life. Forms of governments are encompassing but in very different ways- they affect the way we order our social and economic life as well as the habits of mind. The question is how do they shape our habits of life? It is essential that we know and understand the US Constitution and our Republic form of government as set up by the Founding Fathers. What are our “first freedoms” and how are they protected and preserved? What we must know, as citizens and Christians, is how and why we have the government we have. In addition, students will learn the principles of economics through creative projects that teach economic systems, trade, supply and demand etc.
Class will count as a ½ credit in Government, and ½ credit in Economics, or full year history credit, or as an elective. Many colleges require Government and Economics as part of High School transcripts.
Time: Tuesday, 11-12:30
Instructor: Kathy Houser. Mrs. Houser holds a Master of Fine Arts Degree, and has more than 35 years of teaching experience at both the high school and collegiate level.
Email Mrs. Houser or call her at (205) 218-4937 with questions and to enroll.